Tuesday 25 September 2007

Perfect Match by Jodie Picoult

AZ: "Assistant DA Nina Frost prosecutes child molesters, and in the course of her everyday work she endures the frustration of seeing too many criminals slip through the system and walk free. So when she realises that her son Nathaniel has been sexually abused and is so traumatised that he has stopped speaking she takes justice into her own hands. Nina Frost may have killed the man who hurt her son, but has she destroyed her family in the process? And whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?"

A book that kept me turning the pages until the end, about a woman who kills the man she believes has raped her 5 year old son. It's a question of is it most courageous to inflict punishment on the perp or to allow the law to take its course even if the law is flawed and criminal proceedings will tramatise your beloved child still further. And what if you do go ahead and you are wrong. I don't think I could turn the other cheek. Picoult is brilliant at never allowing you to rest in a choice, always moving a seemingly black or white situation to shades of grey.

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