Monday, 4 May 2009

What Our Children Teach Us: Lessons in Joy, Love and Awareness by Piero Ferruci

Does what it says on the tin and wonderfully, affirmed my joy in sharing my life with my little girl and enabled me to relax in being able to see the wonder of her. Can't recommend enough.

AZ: '
A thoughtful, deeply honest look at the transforming experience of parenthood and how our children can lead us to a more profound understnading of ourselves. 'Live with children long enough and beauty, love, innocence, play, pain, and death, everything appears in a new light...' Children: they have the ability to turn our lives upside down, to disrupt our plans and our sleep, to try our patience, and to elicit our most ferocious love. But children also have the power to teach us the greatest lessons we'll ever learn. Now Piero Ferrucci, a noted psychologist, author, and the father of two young sons, reveals how the journey of parenthood can be a learning path, a succession of experiences that can enrich and transform us like no religious retreat or course of psychotherapy ever could. Not obsessed with the usual equation of what we must teach our children, Ferrucci rather looks into the mirror our children hold up to adult behaviour and tries to integrate the spontaneity, originality and ethical awareness that he finds in his sons into his own attitudes and conduct. WHAT OUR CHILDREN TEACH US is a charming book, full of delightful wit as well as seriousness of purpose. Through lively, moving and charmingly candid anecdotes that will strike a chord with every parent, Piero Ferrucci shows us the myriad ways in which our children can help us rediscover wonder, cultivate joy and patience, and open ourselves to a richer and more vital world.'

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