Thursday 28 July 2011

Faery Tale by Signe Pike

I really enjoyed this book but did have to constantly struggle against my inner sceptic saying 'yes but' and being rational all the time.  Signe Pike, disillusioned by city life in America, goes in search of fairies, first in Mexico and then to the great Celtic heartlands of fairy lore in England, the Isle of Man, Ireland and Scotland.  But it's less simple than a deluded new age hippie searching for magical beings.  Pike is desperately trying to come to terms with the death of her beloved, brilliant but difficult father and searching for the sense of wonder she had as a child.  I may not believe the same way as her, but the inward journey and a belief that the world is more than we can see with our terribly limited faculties makes sense to me, and her quest to recapture the childlike wonder that can heal any hurt is bewitching.  A little kooky in places, but a great lesson.

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