Saturday 23 July 2011

The Highly Sensitive Child by Elaine N Aron

When I began reading this book I was sceptical.  I did not want to label my 7 year old.  I knew that t the discipline style my partner and I were using was not working, but was wary of pigeonholing her.  But as I read more of Aron's book I found a wealth of compassionate guidance which has allowed me to help a child who is deeply affected by the world around her and is easily overwhelmed.

Aron begins with an questionnaire and overview of what a sensitive child is, what their particular needs are and the intricacies of parenting such a child if you are and if you are not highly sensitive yourself.  It really helped me reflect on how my own childhood negative experiences of sensitivity have an impact on my parenting and to focus on my child's needs instead of my own fears for her.

The second section moves on to parenting such a child from infancy through to young adulthood. The book ends with tips for teachers and resources.  I cannot recommend it highly enough.

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