Thursday 6 September 2012

Judge Dredd The Art of Kenny Who: The Cam Kennedy Collection by John Wagner, Alan Grant, Gordon Rennie and Cam Kennedy

I simply have not laughed this much at a comic in ages.  Judge Dredd is Mega-City One's infamous police officer, the 2000AD parody of American policing culture, a man who is judge, jury and executioner (frequently) in a futuristic police state city, the man who's famous tagline is 'I am the Law!'.   Kenny Who comes to Mega-City One from the Caledonian Hab Zone to make his fortune as an artist for Big 1 Comics.  An innocent abroad in the predatory city he quickly brings himself to the attention of Dredd, getting himself bitten by a rouge human and ending up in jail after threatening the Senior Editor of Big 1 Comics and smashing the robots who it turns out are actually drawing the comics.  It's a merciless parody of the big American comics publishers, of stereotypes of Scots and just brilliantly illustrated by Kennedy.  And that's just one of the stories in this collection, pages of artwork that are so far from the standard grid plan.

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