Friday 14 September 2012

Time Warped: Unlocking the Mysteries of Perception by Claudia Hammond

Claudia Hammond presents solid evidence culled from scientific papers and in this wonderfully accessible book presents an overview of how we perceive time and our minds can betray us.  She looks at how our brains perceive the passage of time and the illusions that reveal our weaknesses, how people with synaesthesia perceive time and how we can work with the feeling of never having enough time in our days.  Hammon writes in a clear good humoured style, describing the extremes psychologists have gone to in the cause of discovering how our brains perceive time, from shutting themselves away in ice caves to recording then trying to recall every day of their lives.  She speaks elegantly of the pysiological structures in our brains and bodies that perceive the passage of time without the presence of an actual internal clock. A really enjoyable education.

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